Welcome to the Ewan's Comic Universe Wiki! This wiki is open source on GitHub, and can be edited by visiting the repository. You can read Solar and Sundry by visiting the official website.
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LatchEdited The latch is a recurring object that can be seen on the hatch of all drill ships that appear within Solar and Sundry. It is notable that the latch also appears on the inside of the ship hatch as shown on Solar and Sundry Page 5|page 5.
ComicsEdited There is currently only 1 comic in the ECU, which is Solar and Sundry.
Ewan BreakeyEdited Ewan Breakey is the author of Solar and Sundry.

Solar and SundryEdited Solar and Sundry is a short webcomic written by Ewan Breakey between 5th March and 10th December in 2023. It only has 10 pages, and was left on a cliffhanger as the comic is unfinished. The website describes it as "a sci-fi horror webcomic about life blooming against all odds".